Penalties for not engaging a HDB Registered Renovation Contractor

Hume Design
Hume Design

Penalties for not engaging a contractor from HDB Directory of Renovation Contractor (DRC) to carry out the renovations and/ or breach HDB’s renovation rules/ guidelines.

Here is an overview of some of the more important points to take note of when planning your renovations.

Engage only contractors from the Directory of Renovation Contractor (DRC) to carry out the renovation, including those works that do not require HDB’s approval.

All demolition and hacking of walls (be it partial or complete) require HDB’s prior written approval. The approval ensures that any proposed demolition/ hacking work will not affect the structural integrity of the building and compromise public safety. If the structural integrity of the building is affected, it may potentially endanger the safety of your household and your neighbours.

Do not instruct workers or any person to carry out demolition/hacking works that have not been approved by HDB in writing.

Comply strictly with the permitted time stipulated by HDB so as not to inconvenience your neighbours.

You may face prosecution for failure to engage contractors from Directory of Renovation Contractor (DRC) or if you are found to have contravened any of the Housing and Development (Renovation Control) Rules, such as carrying out unauthorised demolition or hacking works.

The following offences, upon conviction, can lead to a fine of up to $5,000 and other penalties:

Flat owner – Did not engage a contractor from the Directory of Renovation Contractor to carry out the renovations and/ or breach HDB’s renovation rules/ guidelines.

Contractor from the Directory of Renovation Contractors – Breach HDB’s renovation rules/ guidelines.

Contractor not listed in the Directory of Renovation Contractors – Carry out renovations or hold himself out as a contractor from the Directory of Renovation Contractors. 


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